
Wednesday 24 April 2024


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Julia's Stamping Ground and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

I  have been totally wearing myself out doing too much.  My husband did offer to get rid of things😳😳, which made me all the more determined to do everything myself.  A car boot load went to the charity shop and I am dropping some books off there this morning.  I rescued a few things out of the bin which my husband had decided “we” didn’t want.  You wouldn’t believe the amount of stuff I have got in my wardrobes, which are not being moved.  I am also packing the caravan, I was hoping to get some crafting done this week, but it’s looking less and less likely.  

I have been doing lots of digital work - you would be amazed at the number of images I have of vintage stuff.    They need resizing and sorting.  This week I have been going through the floral file which is huge!    Some of the images need cleaning up, but most I have just resized and trimmed.  

Technical bit - most of the images are downloaded at either 72 or 96 , to compensate for this low resolution, the files are bigger than A4.  The resolution gets increased to 300 and the size gets reduced so you end up with an image that will print out at approximately 4 x 6.  Examples below. 

 I have Bible group this morning so I will catch up with everyone later.  If this seems a bit rushed - it was !


Neet said...

My wardrobe has too much in it and there are lots of summer things still packed away so you can imagine how much I need to clear out. Trouble is I don't want to part with them and find i miss them. I am too indecisive with things like clothes. Think I need to borrow your hubby to help me downsize.
I love how you retrieved some things hubby had thrown out
Hugs, Neet 13 xx

My name is Cindy said...

I have way too many clothes. In fact I could probably wear a different outfit every day for a year if I really tried. It's hard to let go though. I don't understand why things I bought 20 years ago still fit me when things I bought last year don't. I must have sizes 14-22 in my wardrobe. (to be fair, one of the size 14s is a beautiful pair of Wallis Jeans that I CAN'T get in to but I don't want to part with them!!). Good work with all your digital re-organising - I understand what you are saying in a generalised way but the info has no practical application in my head!! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15

Annie said...

It sounds like you've been doing a lot of sorting....well done you.
Annie x #6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Angela, I have wardrobes to sort out but going to wait until hubby is away and then I'll set to and do it. Rushed or not, you're here and that's what matters. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

Helen said...

I should take a leaf out of your book and sort my wardrobes... so much I've not worn for years.
I am impressed with your digital work, I wouldn't know where to start. Have a good week. Happy WOYWW Helen#1

Julia Dunnit said...

I'm a one job at a time gal, so no crafting would happen if I was having to do a clear out. I'm not good when someone else decides what I should and shouldn't need, it's definitely a job I have to do for myself. And to be honest, having the spent the last three months doing it in two houses for other people and then moving them to new houses, I'm not in the mood to do mine!! Sending you strength and patience...and a long rest Angela, don't let it exhaust you.!

Lindart said...

I wish I could get my hubby to get rid of clothes - he has double what I have, and doesn't wear most of them! Sounds like you've been very busy, are all those digitals things you have printed out? Have a lovely week, Lindart #17

BJ said...

Gorgeous vintage florals, I've saved the image to print, I hope that is ok with you. I have finally used one of the Gecko Galz images you shared a few weeks ago in my daily journal - I went to share it in the challenge but the link site is blocked by our ad blocker, hopefully hubby will sort that later. Assuming I need to blog it to share, not entered a challenge for ages...really out of touch with the tech. Always amazed at all the digital stuff you do, I have no idea really, being a computer programmer in a former life strangely doesn't help much with all the modern tech. Anyway must go check in on hubby and his amazing multi coloured security firewall....Hugs BJ#11

BJ said...

I managed to get hubby to unblock the linkpage. Wasn't sure how to use it though and it ended up with my blog title instead of my name. Oh well at least it's there. Thanks for sharing Gecko Galz. More Hugs BJ#11 said...

These are beautiful floral prints. I hope you have a good week and get a chance to craft Michelle

Spyder said...

Thank you for stopping far the comment button has been working! Yes, I had that problem with ModPodge, but I got a packet of felt circle 'feet' from the Pound shop and that helped a lot. No more sticking to the shelf! This decopatch, doesn't appear to do that but I've still stuck little feet on the bottom of the boxes. I looked it up on Hobby Craft and they still have the larger bottles/containers at half price, so I've ordered some, should be coming in a few days. Have a great week, Happy WOYWW!?#18

Kelly said...

Good morning, Angela
Must be a spring clean out thing. I took several bags to the thrift store last week. Yesterday, Bob cleaned out his closet and I have another bag at least!
Your post on mine this week made me giggle. I didn't sleep well last night so a nap is in my future. LOL A bed is a good place for a nap. ;-) Creeative Blessings & Hugs! Kelly #16