
Wednesday 31 May 2023


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.  We are having beautiful weather and yesterday I got sunburnt!  I was sat outside, there was a nice breeze and I didn't feel myself getting hot - What an idiot I am!  I have been putting E45 lotion on it.  I am not someone who sits out in the sun, but we were visiting someone and there wasn't any shade ( if I had thought about it which I didn't).

I have finished my 100 backgrounds - Yay me!!  I prepared them before we left and so far two have gone on to be completed,  six are mid way and the rest ae just backgrounds.  I don't know how many geletos I had in the beginning so I can't be exact, but I have emptied and thrown away probably eight or nine.  Do you remember the film "The Karate Kid".  in the film the boy had to practise by washing and polishing the teacher's car, the phrase was "wipe on, wipe off".  Which basically is what the geletos seem to do!  I was using them directly onto the gessoed backgrounds then using water to activate them with either a sponge or brush and off they would come.  I decided I like the collage text showing underneath so it didn't matter.  Then I started adding a little of other colours to make a grungy effect.  Often I couldn't repeat the process to get the same result, hey ho!

The top two have Infusions added to them, I was a little heavy handed so a lot had to be sponged off.

The top left one is green swirls made by moving the medium about, when it was dry, I went over it with blue, finally gluing a white tissue layer over it to keep the density (top right).  The bottom two have had a sheet of kitchen roll pressed down, very hit and miss with this medium.  All in all some good backgrounds, but that's all they are at the moment!

Joining up with Julia's Stamping Ground and look forward to seeing you all later.

Wednesday 24 May 2023


Welcome to Crafting with Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday.  
The weather has been good, quite chilly in the evenings.  We have been going on an an evening walk - well I am using my scooter.  The lanes are pretty with wild flowers and good views and peaceful.  I have been busy doing my “squares”.  This is the second finished one.

I made a 100 to take in the caravan with some idea of making them into a book afterwards.  I have been giving them a second layer of collage, and a coating of gesso.   I have used a paper napkin image on some, painted others.  I have 30 left to give a second layer of collage and gesso to.  Plenty to experiment and play around with.

Linking up with Julia’s Stamping Ground.
Thank you to all who sent me an ATC, I shall look forward to receiving my post when we get back.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

WOYWW 728 - 14 th Anniversary!

 Welcome to Crafting With Jack  on a cloudy day near Penrith.  Today is the 14 th Anniversary of What's On

Your Workdesk Wednesday.  The day we share what we have been up to,  I have been a member since 2019,  I can tell you it is a lovely group to belong to.  We link up at Julia's Stamping Ground.  

I have been playing around with geletos, do I like them? - no!  They are not as easy as the tutorials make them out to be.  I cut up three, a fluorescent orange, a yellow and a small amount of brown, having worked out these colours made something near the colour I was after.  I mixed them with several blobs of gesso, the colour changed as the different elements dissolved.  The 8 inch squares were my first mix, the second mix I wanted darker.  The colours are not entirely accurate.

I used a plastic cleaning tool on some of them which gave a lovely texture.  I bought it for kitchen use, but my husband took one look at it and decided to bin it!  So I claimed it for my craft room.  It does a very good job of cleaning hands too.  I can't decide whether to go over the ones I didn't use the tool on or not.

This site has no wifi, no mobile phone signal, I have to go out to find one, so I might not make it round to everyone this week.  I wish everybody a happy anniversary xx

Wednesday 10 May 2023


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and another What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday. Today has been beautiful, we went to Whitehaven had a walk around the town and the harbour.  We were totally amazed to see a young seal. At least I thought she was young (he/she?) the seal was basking at the end of a causeway and drawing in quite a few admirers.

I have been experimenting with gelatos.  Finding out what pens work on top.  The answer is not a lot, sharpies work. but vary depending whether the gelatos have been used thinly.  Ink pens bleed.  The geletos don’t seem to mix as well on cheap paper, and obviously if you over work any paper it objects, they are fine over gesso.  The jury is still out on whether I like them or not.   

The piece on the left was another experiment - sunset on a swamp perhaps?  I went to a craft shop in Whitehaven and got the stamps on the right.  At £1 each I thought it was worth it, I only wanted a few of each.

I am very happy with this piece (over looking the smudgy stencilling).  Do you remember my stamp I made the other week?  I used the outline to make a stencil and used the geleto.  I thought I ruined a sharpie trying to outline the shape, but it seems to be working after  rest.  I used a liquid ink pen, smudging it to great the darker areas.  

I am up to Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd in my Psalms study,  such a beautiful Psalm.

That's all from me.  Hoping some one will link me up to Julia's as I am still having problems x

Wednesday 3 May 2023


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday. No desk to day, this is where we are at the moment- near Cockermouth - the birthplace of William Wordsworth “I wandered lonely as a cloud….”

Blogger is being a hindrance in getting this posted.  It frequently mucks around on the IPad.  This place is peaceful - especially now the mower has stopped.  I am reading “The Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament” by Norman Snaith, which is very interesting.  It is one of several books I was given by an old lady, probably at least 15 years ago.  I was having a sort through - my husband’s idea!  He is of the opinion that once read a book should be moved on.  If I like a book I will re read it several times, in fact sometimes a paragraph will come to mind from a book I enjoyed and I have to get it out so I can read it again.  Last year I bought the complete Harry Potter Collection, I was missing a book and this was a positive bargain in its own case.  The year before I bought a new set of Narnia books in a nice new case!  I though my granddaughter would like my older books, but not interested!

 I have posted most of my ATC’s, a couple were waiting addresses.  When I find where my husband put them, I will post them :)

This is my entry for the April Challenge at Gecko Galz.  The owl image was free and the background is made up of vintage colour swatches.

Joining up with Julia’s Stamping Ground. Looking forward to visiting.