
Wednesday 5 June 2024


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to  Sarah's and have a look to see what everyone has been doing. 

We are not far from Richmond, North Yorkshire.  Sunday was a lovely day, but the wind and rain have been prevalent. Yesterday I bought a jumper in Richmond, I put in on this morning and my dear husband said "you will be too hot in that" and of course I was.  The sunshine is streaming in through the windows - outside it is a different matter.

ICAD started on 1st June - an Index Card a Day!  That means today I should be showing you  at least 4, but 3 will have to do.

Still using up old pieces, this was a set of flower cards, consisting of one large-ish image and  other pieces getting progressively smaller.  I kept the largest and used the other pieces up.  I may add a focal point at some time.

On the left are index cards that I have covered using up stuff again.  Some I may gesso over and some I may used the plain front, but they are sturdier now which I prefer.  I think I did 25 of those.  On the right are some from last year which I may gesso over or add to.

The Internet is absolute pants here!  It took me an hour after taking the photographs to upload them from my IPad and download to my Laptop.  By the way is anyone following the new Doctor Who?  What did you think?  It seems to me quite changed from previous series with David and Matt, and not for the better!


Lunch Lady Jan said...

It’s the same here weather wise, gorgeous sun but decidedly chilly in the wind/shade - I can’t work out what to wear either! That’s a very pretty jumper, I can see why you bought it. Love the iCards too, I have really enjoyed seeing them on a couple of desks today, fab art on a small scale!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You may be too hot in the jumper right now but it will be lovely and cosy later in the year. The ICADs look brilliant and I look forward to seeing more.This is such a brilliant way to use up old stash, love it. We used to watch Doctor Who all the time but were not impressed with some of the later doctors and you are not sounding very positive about the latest one. Take care and have a happy woyww, Angela x12x

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving your ICADs Angela - there are quite a few WOYWWers taking part this year. I am enjoying the new Doctor Who. I have always enjoyed Stephen Moffat's and Russel T Davies' writing and there have been some thought provoking episodes already as well as some light hearted ones. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

Helen said...

Glad you are getting the ICADS done, shame about the internet connections. I have been watching Dr Who - am in 2 minds, but still quite enjoying it. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Annie said...

I still undecided about the new Dr Who…it’s certainly different. I’m chuckling about your comment about me being retired….i worked hard this morning with the prom dress with 5 layers and breathed a sigh of relief when I finished it…..the next prom dress arrived at 2pm and guess what? It’s also needing shortening but this time there’s 6 layers to shorten!!
Annie x # 11

BJ said...

The weather is very changeable these days, I can change my clothes 2-3 times a day to accommodate the fluctuations! And still get it wrong too. Lovely jumper though, although I haven't really needed a jumper in a few years with the menopause hot thing continuing! Adore the flower cards and the use of the different sized of image they work so well together. Your other cards are super too, love the blue tits and the nuthatch.
As for Dr Who, I've watched them all since the return of the new doctor back in 2005 and even rewatched via iplayer although I'm really not sure about this latest reincarnation. The three 60th birthday editions with David Tennant and Catherine Tate were good and the non-binary aspect used to enable Catherine to know the doctor again was quite acceptable. However the continual political correctness and plugs for minorities has left me saddened. If gender orientation is going to be banned from the school curriculum then this will not be a children's show anymore. Everything in its place but not in a children's sci-fi show please. Off my soap box now. Glad I got that off my chest.
As for momentum, I have downloaded a lot of their stuff (you seem to have access to the whole of their site/shop in some form) but I wasn't really bothered by this months devotional and really wouldn't wish to purchase this subscription ongoing. Safe journeys Hugs BJ#7

Neet said...

I keep looking outside and seeing the sun but when I go out there still is a chill in the air. "Don't cast a clout till May's gone out" was a saying mum used to say, well it's June now but I still don't see myself in summer dresses. Hope we get summer soon.
Lovely shade of blue for your sweater and the icads are nice.
Miranda is someone who showed me a particular book that I ended up buying the dies for and I made several, called them that for lack of a name. I have a video on You Tube showing one or two of them.
Hugs, Neet xx 4 said...

Hi Angela, Great ICADs and a lovely shade of blue for your jumper. I'm a big Tenant fan and like I Ncuti Gatwa from previous stuff he has done but I can't say that I have warmed up to the new episodes yet. Have a great weekend Michelle #14

Lisa-Jane said...

Those flower cards are so bright and cheerful, I wish our weather was following suit! Jumper on, sunglasses on, too hot, too cold! So sorry for the late visit! I got distracted part way through my list - oops! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #13

Kelly said...

Good morning, Angela
another busy lady. Seems that's a permanent state for most if us, doesn't it?

I need to work on a couple of IDs for our Spectrum Art Creations FB group. You gave me a couple of ideas. I'm trying to get better at layers.

Creative Blessings1
~ Kelly #15

Amelia said...

Exciting to see WOYWW 783 and ICAD in action! Engaging with the creative community through these projects is as fulfilling as using BetterJoy to enhance your gaming experience!