
Wednesday 29 May 2024


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to  Sarah's  ( and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  Sarah has taken on the running of WOYWW.  So we have a new place to link up.  I have been having fun (not!) with blogger, first it wouldn't let put a link in and now I have a space it won't let me delete!   Oh well, carry on!

I have been making prayer cards which was one of the sessions in Encounters in Colour.  I have made loads of prayer cards and I wanted to make these a little different.  That probably was my first mistake as I could not get going, I persevered and the result is below.

I have been making a lot of collage backgrounds mostly to be painted over.  I have been using up lots of scraps, and the last two were made with flowery scraps.  I quite like the one above left. The pieces were from a Daphne's Diary magazine.  Normally I use old text and music books and I still have plenty of those left.



Lunch Lady Jan said...

Your collages are wonderful, I really enjoy seeing them and getting inspiration. It’s one of those crafts that is easy to do but hard to master, I’m not really that great at it but I enjoy the process!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Twiglet said...

Your little prayer cards are lovely. What a lot of crafty effort. x x Jo

Catnip and Kitty Whiskers said...

Those are beautiful Angela! I'm glad you stuck with them, as the result is wonderful!

Helen said...

I was readingyour post on my phone at lunchtime but not sure if I left a comment, I assume not! the prayer cards are great. Thanks for dropping by already. Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Making quick visits while away as the Wi-Fi is good at the villa. Thanks for joining in and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Annie said...

I love your prayer cards...all so different but so pretty. The cording is rather more tricky than the knitting dollies but the effect is similar.
Annie x # 7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I don't normally have much trouble with blogger but today I got back from the care home and some of the comments I left before going out just weren't there, it's off it's head today. It didn't like me changing the link from Julia's to Sarah's either but I think I've sorted it now. Loving the prayer cards great collage too. Wishing you a very happy woyww Angela x10x

Spyder said...

I've noticed blogger doesn't like : ? ! or " when linking, so I miss them out and add them once its linked. but I am happy with blogger today, as I can load my images up, with out going round the houses and taking ages...its been months that I've had 'try again later' yay...shhh! it might disappear again! Happy WOYWW!?((Lyn))#14 said...

Your prayer cards are so lovely Angela. Happy woyww and have a great weekend - Michelle #13

BJ said...

Super prayer cards Angela and love the flower collage too. No I don't wear gloves when I craft, I only put my brace on in the day if it is too bad, else that is for resting it at night in a neutral position. Hugs BJ#6

Lynnecrafts said...

Your collages are so pretty. Thanks for sharing them.
Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

Lovely colours in the prayer cards!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #4

Neet said...

Your little prayer cards are lovely Angela. Do you swap them like ATC's or are they something you enclose with a card or a letter to someone.
Have a lovely time away. At the caravan so internet variable which means I am so late.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx