
Wednesday, 11 December 2024


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  

A couple of views of the finished kingfisher by the pond.  At least that is one finished project.  I would like to finish a few more before Christmas.

Within three days of being back from my MIL the Christmas tree and decorations were up and life seems to have been busy ever since.  I have been alternating between doing stuff and resting.  Crafting has not been on the agenda though I  have been doing some online shopping!   

An assortment of stickers, tiny image books, a roll of "Merry Christmas" stickers, a pack of paper clips shaped like crosses.  The sticker book on the left is half sticker and half with a white edge.  The circles on the right I actually bought 4 packs of because I thought they were different sets.  All from Shein.

The picture on the right show two accordion kraft paper books with  nice thick covers from Shein. The picture on the left shows some acrylic paint pens and underneath six 2 inch books. both from Amazon.  Lastly some flower tissue paper and self adhesive foam sheets from the Range.

My daughter’s MIL died while we were away and we offered to do the refreshments after the funeral.  We thought the numbers would be quite small in the beginning, but they doubled and I wasn’t sure if we had enough chairs.  As it turned out, those a few hours away decided to go straight back - quite sensible considering the weather. 

So yesterday I was determined to get in the craft room and then my husband spoke to my grandson!!

Our garden backs on to the primary school’s grounds, so quite often we speak to Joshua at playtime.  My husband helpfully reminded Joshua about the Christmas cards he wanted to make and told him to come round after school!!  Now because we were away I hadn’t got any of the Christmas craft stuff out.  So I did get in my craft room, just not what I intended to do.  He made six cards and is coming back today to do the rest.

See you later x


Lunch Lady Jan said...

It has been all go for you! Nice to see your new stash, you’ll have fun with those for sure and your GS did a great job with his cards, definitely got your talent. The little kingfisher is very cute perched by your pond, will he worry the fish?!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

No wonder you're ready for a rest. Loving the kingfisher, he's so cute. Is this a new pond as I can't see any water. Before I forget you mentiuoned about the tape. I like Redline tape but for the journals I've always used Scor-Pal Scor-Tape and no one's said the journals have come apart but the main thing is to make sure you don't touch the sticky part with you hands. I can tell you once it's stuck down there's no going back which is why I prefer wet glue when I can but for this it does the job. There are many double sided tapes that I used in the past and things came apart when they got warm which is very disappointing which is why sometimes on large pieces I will use tape and glue. On-line shopping sounds good to me and loving Joshua's cards. Have a good week and happy woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

Annie said...

What a busy time you've had. Time spent with a grandchild is never wasted even if you're busy....I know this all too well at the moment :-)
Annie x #10

Lynnecrafts said...

Your kingfisher is so beautiful. You’ve had such a busy time and your grandson’s cards are lovely.
hugs, Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Diana Taylor said...

I love the kingfisher - he looks great by your pond. What a lovely way to spend time with your Grandson, making special memories for both of you - I miss having little ones to craft with as all the children in the family are grown up now.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #13

Helen said...

sorry to hear about your daughters MIL. but well done for taking on the catering. I too, love the kingfisher! your grandson's cards look great!! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Lynnecrafts said...

I just read your question, Angela. No, Our tutor, Claire, had us deliberately tearing our watercolour paper into 7 pieces and gluing them back together, without reference to our reference photo. Still not sure what the point of it was, but I’ve enjoyed creating the seascape. Xx

Neet said...

Loving your kingfisher. Do you know, I have never seen one in real life. Something I have always wanted to see. I was once in a car and someone pointed out the kingfisher by the river but it had gone when I looked.
How nice to make cards, even if you didn't want to, with your grandson.
I too am resting between things.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Twiglet said...

What a beautiful bird the kingfisher is. For a moment I thought you had a real one by your pond! It's gorgeous. Well done on the Christmas cards - it's such a a lovely thing to make with the he youngsters.x x Jo 🌈

Sarah Brennan said...

You have been so busy since getting home Angela. Love the kingfisher and some fab cards made by your grandson. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah said...

What a fabulous picture of your pond and capturing that beautiful kingfisher, that is priceless! Great to see all your crafty goodies too. That's so handy that you can chat to your grandson at playtime and it's lovely that you can spend special time crafting together too and those cards are wonderful!
You asked about my printer, I used to have an HP but it needed replacing so I got an Epson EcoTank because at the time I was printing a lot off and it seemed to have a pretty good write up as well as being very good on ink. My model does not like to print over 200gsm - which isn't a problem for me but I do find print quality differs between every brand printer. I think mine prints quite dark but it does make a difference as to what paper you print onto I think and I only use standard settings when printing, as printing full colour best quality on my printer just floods too much colour and takes away the definition. I use Navigator paper (in the orange pack) 120gsm - Tescos/Asda often sell it. There are thicker ones. Debbi Moore Designs does a nice satin paper too. Sorry about the lengthy blurb! I'm late with my comments and then I fill up your comment box up lol. Have a great weekend Michelle x #14

BJ said...

Oh my, all good intentions to comment on Wednesday, but with Church home group in the morning everything gets pushed back. Not sure I am breathing really, hurt back some more too, oh my.
Super kingfisher, ours could do with a new paint job and be relocated to our pond (puddle). Nice purchases, the paper clips are cool, had a closer look after reading your blog. So lovely that you cold find time to make Christmas cards with your grandson, such a special time together, he'll remember it fondly as he gets older. Hugs BJ#4