Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.
This is my first Bible Quilt project. I have participating at JoDitt's new site https://www.skool.com/fruitful-creativity, the theme for March is Sowing and Reaping.
I did another design and added watercolour, however I had a few problems because I used a rubber and the surface looked messy with water colour. So I turned into a digital design, both above and below.
I am not sure what text will look like against the colour, but I thought I would give it a go.
I watched a tutorial on embossing card with a scoreboard. Afterwards I rubbed it with ink. You can see it was a bit hit and miss on the vertical scoring, it being "underneath" the horizontal. I used some brush pens and then added some gesso to knock back the colour.
Yesterday I threw away those expensive natural watercolour paints I bought last year, an expensive mistake. I am also giving my Hunkydory brush pens to my grandchildren. I had another go with them yesterday and I don't like them! I tried them on glass and then spraying them with water, smooshing? I used Hunkydory InkMe tags to pick up the colour, but I may have used too much water as it wasn't very successful as far as the card was concerned!
My Apple Pencil is dead! I didn't realize it was important to keep them charged! I have ordered one from Amazon, not Apple.
I have actually made a plan of crafts to do, I am hoping it will help me be a little more organized. I actually finished an stacked envelope journal that has been waiting nearly a year to be finished!
I am going yo Bible Group this morning so will catch up later x
I have never heard of an Apple Pencil let alone not knowing that it had to be kept charged! You’re a very proficient techy crafter aren’t you? What a shame about the natural watercolours, I remember you saying at the time that they weren’t as good as you’d hoped. Not everything goes to plan…I’ve bought craft stuff and then regretted it!
Hugs LLJ 4 xx
Like Jan I’ve no idea what an Apple Pencil is.. an Apple yes and pencil yes.. but an Apple Pencil no 😂😂 you’re certainly busy I love your quilt, first image. Happy WOYWW, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x #3
shame that you didn't like the pens, or the paints.. best to get rid though to save the clutter... the new quilt project looks fun. Happy WOYWW Helen #1
Your crafting tools go over my heart im afraid…I do not understand what you do with them. I love the results.
Annie x #8
Super Bible Quilts. I had Bible Group too this morning we did The Widow of Zarepheth. Leader was amazed that I'd done this woman of the Bible at the conference as there was so little in the Bible but we had a productive time. Hugs bj#2
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