
Wednesday, 12 February 2025


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

Remember that Sea box I told you about last week?  I have been creating collages with some of the contents and also making backgrounds using some of the printed papers that were in there, as well as creating backgrounds in my book.  After seeing Mary Anne’s collages using the negative cuts, I wanted to try it.  Having thrown all my previous negative cuts in the bin, when I punched out some circles last Friday, I kept the left over pieces and used them in my collages.  

I had Bible group this morning, and I didn't have time to finish this post before I left.  


BJ said...

Love the negative cuts from the circle cutting I must remember to do that too really effective. Hugs bj#3

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Clever use of the negative cuts! Funnily enough I asked the other Angela whether she’d be using hers on her post today! Yours work very well.
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Annie said...

I’m loving the sea pics you’ve produced this week.
Annie x # 6