
Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

Rainy days, windy days, cold days, bring back the sunshine!  Oh right - I have just remembered where I live 😆😆.  Good old British weather!

Last WOYWW I saw a picture of Morti's room with ceiling high shelving.  1 went into my room and took a look - could that get some more space?

This was last year


I have been sorting most of the week determined to get a bit of extra space, even going slightly overboard and sorting out drawers and containers too.
Second side
Oh I have a radiator in my room!

I could have finished yesterday, but I wanted to have something to show you today.

The book on the left was in a tin, right at the back of the top shelf, I had forgotten all about it. I was sent a box of goodies, lace; beads; self adhesive glitter sheets. I think I had to make 3 things, but I can't remember what the other two were. The trouble with making such a highly decorated book, is where to keep it.   On the right is my Faith Art book.  I took the completed pages out and have been pairing them up with the aid of brown tape and over that washi tape.  I have put clips all the way along till the glue dries and having run out of clips the other pages I will do tomorrow.

My craft desk today, also showing some items I ordered from Shien. One pack of 2 two was missing, so when they sent me a questionnaire asking how was my order,  I put that one item was missing.  Having given them the order number, the item number and a photograph taken from their site of the item, I was amazed to have a reply asking me to send photographs of the item and if I wanted a refund, to return the item!  Considering I am only down 36p I probably will just forget it and maybe not order from them again.

Did my room sorting work?  I definitely have more floor space, it doesn't feel so cramped and while there are not any noticeable gaps, it is better.


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Isn’t it amazing what we unearth during a craft room sorting out? It made me smile that the radiator surfaced though, lol!! Your shelves do look very organised now, a thing of beauty as long as you remember where you’ve put everything!!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Neet said...

I have cards to show next week, done my blog for this week and so I reckon I have time on my hands to do some purging in my craft room. I am like you Angela, I need to make space and to be honest I have too much stuff that never gets used.
Love the look of your books, seems ages since i did something like that. Maybe after tidying .....
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I nearly always find something I didn't know I had when I sort stuff out or go looking for something else. Sounds like I'm not the only one trying to use up some old stuff. Been lucky this month as I've found a lady just starting crafting so she is pleased to accept anything useful. Trying to set her up with the basics. I try to be organised with the storage boxes but there's always something I can't find. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

My name is Cindy said...

After a certain point it gets very difficult to keep control of your craft items!! Also of course the memory fades, or your rational changes - initially I stored stamps by the same company together but that isn't very helpful when you want a butterfly stamp - it's quicker if all the butterflies are together!! Of course I've been saying for years that curating your stash is a separate hobby!!
I'm not entirely sure about those colour cubes, they are VERY expensive for what they are (although it is cheaper to buy both together .....). I won't decide yet, I just feel it's easier to work with a 'hard copy' than something on a screen.
Have a lovely creative week, love n hugs Cindyxx #13

Annie said...

Well done you with the sorting…I hope you can still reach what’s on the top shelf 😀
Annie x #6

Helen said...

my radiator is well hidden, too in my living room (where I craft) Well done on your sorting. I like your ordered shelves. Helen #2

BJ said...

Hi Angela, no nothing between my fabric book pages, just 2 pieces of firm canvas type fabric sewn together that's all. Glad you found your radiator LOL and that you are sorting your faith journal out amongst all the sorting. I still need to sort. Moved lots to son's/spare room when I had condensation running down my walls and not sorted since - ho hum. Hugs BJ#3

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad the sort out and rearrange has created a little more space for you Angela. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lindart said...

Great sorting and organizing! I seem to have stashes everywhere I look that I have to amalgamate into one location - they keep popping up! It's always good to find more space - and the radiator! Have a lovely week, Lindart #14

Morti said...

Yay! I'm an influencer! It's amazing how much more you can pack away when you box it all up. The only trouble I find is that it's then out of sight, out of mind. And you forget twice as much of what you own. When we were having a sort out I handed Mr B two packs of coffee filters from when I did a coffee filter art journal round robin thing many many years ago - they will be put to much better use in the kitchen, doing the job for which they were designed.... LOL

Kyla said...

Ooh morti the enabler (yep, there are a few on here, I remember at some crops seeing some amazing kit morti and helen both had years ago and then ordering myself some, lol. Great organising too.

Susan Renshaw said...

We have had a few errors from Temu - usually my husband ordering kazoos and the like, and getting one instead of two. Anyway each error has been immediately refunded in full and the item received to be kept.
Happy WOYWW! Susan #12 again

Susan Renshaw said...

Lots of good sorting!
Look forward to seeing what you do with the rest of the goddie box!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #12 again