
Wednesday, 8 January 2025


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  

I have been working on the challenge, I studied the Scriptures for quite a few of the challenge prompts and decided on what I was going to do. I made a list - A4!  Then we had visitors Saturday and on Sunday.  After my husband saw my list and asked me what it was for on Monday morning, he decided the Christmas decorations were coming down. He walked the dogs first so I managed to find suitable papers and get them stuck down in my journal.  I started doing some hand lettering and then the boxes came downstairs for the decorations.  It  all got put away in good time although we ended up with a couple things left behind.   I decided to finish off the lettering on the laptop, usually I spend ages deciding on different fonts and I never can remember the names of the fonts.  So I thought why not go through them and print them out. Nine pages in total.

Having easy access to the fonts made the lettering much quicker.  I helped my niece with her printer problems in the afternoon, but by the end of Tuesday I had four pages done.   

Today I have the dentist at 8:45, I am not looking forward to the early start!  See you later x


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I like the journal pages very much, especially the lighthouse! What a great idea to do that with the fonts, a quick reference guide to see what you want!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love the journal pages and hope your visit to the dentist goes well. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x7x

Neet said...

Loving the journal pages - especially the lighthouse one - I am always drawn to those types of pictures.
That was a job worth doing, printing out those fonts. Well done you.
Hugs, `Neet 8 xx

Annie said...

You’ve been very busy. Love the new pages.
Annie x #6

My name is Cindy said...

Ugh, I have just booked a very overdue appointment for the dentist - but at a more civilised hour!! Dreading getting up tomorrow at 6.30 to go and fetch little Splodgday in my 'knockoff' Oodie (basically a duvet with sleeves. They are really good if you don't mind what you look like!! Great pages and so sensible to organise your fonts - I spend ages doing stuff like that which works really well until I forget I've done it! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #11

BJ said...

Oh what a delight to find lots of comments when I woke up again this morning. WOYWW is certainly my "constant" at the moment and I thank all you lovely ladies for being there for me, I am blessed.
Gosh know what you mean about fonts and yes a printout of them all would certainly be useful. Love your pages but totally understand about life getting in the way. I did take the inside decs down and plonk them in the boxes but they need sorting properly. The tree will remain up till Feb, by then I will really have to have sorted the boxes out!
Hugs BJ#3

Twiglet said...

I hope the dentist trip went well - not exactly a treat for the new year. Well done on the journal pages. I like the lighthouse..x x Jo 🌈

Helen said...

I am a big baby when it comes to the dentist... so ignore any issues! well done on the journalling and the printnig of the fonts. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Diana Taylor said...

Beautiful pages - I love the lighthouse. What a great idea printing out all the fonts - I don't use many but it's frustrating when you know a style you want but can't quite find the right one!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx ~14

Lynnecrafts said...

Beautiful journal illustrations, especially the lighthouse and seagull.
Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Robyn said...

pages love lovely- I always live the christmas boxes down for a day or two, as there is always something left behind! robyn 18