“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29 Listen to chapter

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Wednesday, 26 March 2025


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing. 

As you can see, my desk is looking colourful with some flowers I originally painted and then made some different colourways digitally.  Also you can see a design I made for Psalm 23 - see inset - and if you look just behind the paintbrush and jar you can see a blue book.  This is for a Journal Petite course I am doing.  

The first stage of the course was to make backgrounds, for which I used Gelato crayons, just to use them up.  the second stage was paint scraping with a credit type card.  The pages felt very waxy and the paint didn't work well on it, so I decided to gesso all the pages.  Having done that I was ready to do the paint scraping, but did I get that far?  No, I decided to do the paint scraping over a printed outline of flowers like this.
Yes, I know they look nothing like it!

I used a small sponge roller over the stencil that I bought in The Range.  Originally I was doing a lettering page, but I mucked it up so I cut out the lettering and made a page in my art journal.

I am trying to help someone start Bible journaling and I was trying to explain yesterday using Psalm 23 as an example.  Then I thought it's easier to show her, so I have done a digital design, next I am going to do a hand lettering design and then printing out words and images and cutting them out.

Today is a full day, I have Bible group this morning and then I am visiting my niece in the afternoon, so I will catch up later x

Wednesday, 19 March 2025


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing. 

I started a new journal. The images were free from a site on FaceBook (Eshet Chayil Bible Journaling)

I often pick up things in charity shops and that is where this recipe file came from, however I am not so good at using them.  This is the second item I have used in the last 6 months, so pat on the back for me!

I did another Bible Quilt page.  Trying to write at an angle is not easy. 😄

I also designed some more stickers using a set of free floral images from Creative Fabrica.

This morning I have Bible Group so I will catch up later.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing. 

This is my first Bible Quilt project.  I have participating at JoDitt's new site https://www.skool.com/fruitful-creativity, the theme for March is Sowing and Reaping.

I did another design and added watercolour, however I had a few problems because I used a rubber and the surface looked messy with water colour. So I turned into a digital design, both above and below.

I am not sure what text will look like against the colour, but I thought I would give it a go.

I watched a tutorial on embossing card with a scoreboard.  Afterwards I rubbed it with ink.  You can see it was a bit hit and miss on the vertical scoring, it being "underneath" the horizontal.  I used some brush pens and then added some gesso to knock back the colour.

Yesterday I threw away those expensive natural watercolour paints I bought last year, an expensive mistake.  I am also giving my Hunkydory brush pens to my grandchildren.  I had another go with them yesterday and I don't like them!  I tried them on glass and then spraying them with water, smooshing?  I used Hunkydory InkMe tags to pick up the colour, but I may have used too much water as it wasn't very successful as far as the card was concerned!

My Apple Pencil is dead!  I didn't realize it was important to keep them charged!  I have ordered one from Amazon, not Apple.

I have actually made a plan of crafts to do, I am hoping it will help me be a little more organized.  I actually finished an stacked envelope journal that has been waiting nearly a year to be finished!

I am going yo Bible Group this morning so will catch up later x

Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

I had a spend at The Range,  foam brushes; some bottles with narrow top; black and white patterned tissue;  a "tie-dye" pad; a couple of paints and some roller paintbrushes!

I saw a post here where I saw a new book type.  No instructions were given but the photographs were helpful.  The pages are folded to the middle (green), I used A4, and then an A5 piece yellow joins each page.   It stated no gluing or sewing and putting it together was simple if fiddly.  The problem I had was actually keeping it together.

When a page was turned the inner pieces had moved!  The back piece which slots into the last pieces, didn't want to stay in either.  I ended up using some sticky tape to secure all the joins.  AS experiments go I would give it 5 out 10, but it enabled me to use up some very thin paper I had.

I thought I could put two not very full A4 boxes into one and was just thinking to myself, well done, when I turned and saw something that needed to go in and now wouldn't!  Back to the drawing board!

My Dolly has an upset tummy, she kindly waited until I got back from Bible group and started being sick!  Realizing drinking water was making her sick again and again. I took up the water bowl.  You wouldn't believe how long this post has taken me to finish!

Wednesday, 26 February 2025


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

And what have I been doing?   Not as much as I would have liked!  I decided would get rid of some of the stamps in my Sea box,  I put them on FaceBook and someone wanted them, via messenger I asked her if she wanted any others.  Which led to sorting out the rest of my clear stamps.  Which of course resulted in a small reorganisation of my craft room!  

I have several projects that I want to do, but found myself dithering on which to do first.  Then I decided on doing something different!  I have several packs of A4 sticker sheets that were bought so I could make my own stickers.  I spent quite some time designing some stickers.

Once I had printed those out, I did a second lot:

And then I printed out several pages of College Soup on the sticker paper.  Since you can't really see them on the page I did a mock up as an example:

You could do the same on ordinary paper and just cut the size of strips you wanted.  I have some A4 sticker sheets that are not divided at all, so I thought I might print some pages and punch out some circles or larger pieces.

I came across something new (to me) - Bible Quilting.  It's basically Bible journaling in a pattern like quilting patterns.  I joined a FaceBook group to learn more and added something else to my project list!

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

I have joined JoDitts new website.  From a free colouring sheet, I took a heart, edited it so the black was white and designed the rest.  I am never sure about colour, possibly I should have a lighter colour in the background.

I googled "text boxes" so I could add some to digital lettering.  I found one I liked at Freepix.  I added some colour to the little squares surrounding the box and the centre.   I used these text boxes in the the collage below.

Most Bibles use the word Leviathan, meaning large creature or monster, but I found a translation that used "Whales". I am pretty sure if any of the ancient people had seen a whale they would think it a monster! Did you see a whale take in a man and his boat into it's mouth on the TV?  He got spit out again, but he must have been terrified.

The whales were cut from wrapping paper and they are years old. I thought they were just two big and made smaller ones (at the top), but I decided to use them.

I used a stencil for the background in several different colours. Initially I was thinking of a forest of kelp, but when I turned the background on it's side I thought it made a great seascape.

I like this stencil so much I haven't done any more to this one.

This one is on my desk at the moment, I just need to do a verse to finish it.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

Remember that Sea box I told you about last week?  I have been creating collages with some of the contents and also making backgrounds using some of the printed papers that were in there, as well as creating backgrounds in my book.  After seeing Mary Anne’s collages using the negative cuts, I wanted to try it.  Having thrown all my previous negative cuts in the bin, when I punched out some circles last Friday, I kept the left over pieces and used them in my collages.  

I had Bible group this morning, and I didn't have time to finish this post before I left.  

Wednesday, 5 February 2025


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

The sun is shining this morning, not sure how warm it is outside though.  I will find out when my grandson comes to the back of the garden.  He is a ray of sunshine himself.  I say "Hello Joshua, how are you doing?" He responds "Fine thank you, what have you been doing this morning?".  A minute or two of chat and a hug makes my day!

Yesterday morning I thought I would water the plants before breakfast. I spilled some water, in mopping it up I knocked the atomiser over, which spilled water on the carpet!  In moving a plant out of the way it fell over and left soil on the carpet!  The spilled water was in a hard to reach position and I was back and forth to the kitchen getting kitchen towel as I had spilled more than I thought.  In trying to clear up the soil I made more of a mess 😒.  I staggered into the kitchen and my husband said "What on earth have you been doing?"😦 (Chronic fatigue sufferers will immediately understand) It set the tone for the entire day.  I did manage to do some colouring, but that was it.

The seahorse is for a collage I am planning.  I have had this colouring page for several years, originally I was going to draw one, but I discovered this in my "Sea" box. ( There was a pause here while I went out to say hello to Joshua 😊)  All things related to the sea, stamps, dies, images are in my "Sea" box.

If you remember the book I was in the middle of last week.  It is the one on the right with a ribbon binding.  The one on the left was Travel Planner my faith pages were in.

It is made of scrapbook paper and I used a hinge binding.  I managed to use up 25 sheets of 12 x 12 although I still have left over scraps as the pages measure 9 x 7 inches.

The book above I saw on a Pinterest email.  This is the link.  It is called a Double Locking Accordion.  I didn't have any 24 inch paper so I had to tape two pieces together.  The paper I used was far too thin (righthand side) so I ended up covering it with scrapbook paper. (lefthand side)

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.

Rainy days, windy days, cold days, bring back the sunshine!  Oh right - I have just remembered where I live 😆😆.  Good old British weather!

Last WOYWW I saw a picture of Morti's room with ceiling high shelving.  1 went into my room and took a look - could that get some more space?

This was last year


I have been sorting most of the week determined to get a bit of extra space, even going slightly overboard and sorting out drawers and containers too.
Second side
Oh I have a radiator in my room!

I could have finished yesterday, but I wanted to have something to show you today.

The book on the left was in a tin, right at the back of the top shelf, I had forgotten all about it. I was sent a box of goodies, lace; beads; self adhesive glitter sheets. I think I had to make 3 things, but I can't remember what the other two were. The trouble with making such a highly decorated book, is where to keep it.   On the right is my Faith Art book.  I took the completed pages out and have been pairing them up with the aid of brown tape and over that washi tape.  I have put clips all the way along till the glue dries and having run out of clips the other pages I will do tomorrow.

My craft desk today, also showing some items I ordered from Shien. One pack of 2 two was missing, so when they sent me a questionnaire asking how was my order,  I put that one item was missing.  Having given them the order number, the item number and a photograph taken from their site of the item, I was amazed to have a reply asking me to send photographs of the item and if I wanted a refund, to return the item!  Considering I am only down 36p I probably will just forget it and maybe not order from them again.

Did my room sorting work?  I definitely have more floor space, it doesn't feel so cramped and while there are not any noticeable gaps, it is better.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  

Yesterday we were expecting British Gas to come and flush the radiators.   Since they needed easy access to the radiators I had to clear that side of my craft room.  My trolley got taken into the dining room and everything on the floor I put on my working surface.  The caravan heating had been on all night as we were planning to spend the day in there and then eight minutes before their time of arrival, they cancelled!  The next appointment is two weeks away.  It made such a difference to the look of the room with that area cleared, I wondered if I could compromise with the space.  I spent most of the day doing work a bit, rest a bit!

This is the entrance to my craft room, you can see I have spilled into the hallway.  The radiator is on the left, just a bit further than the chest of drawers.  I turned the trolley as that gave a bit more room.

The normal view, the bottom right has an area that needs sorting still!
Today I have an appointment with the diabetic nurse to discuss my latest blood test.  My latest Faith art:

The book I am using is already overfull, so I may have to take the remaining pages out after a few more.  The book is a travel journal I bought at a charity shop.  I have been working on the pages for writing, they are followed with white pages and then black pages.  Perhaps I should take the completed ones out instead😕.