
Wednesday 28 August 2024


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  

I am still in “using things up” mode! This week I have been using up 2 packs of glossy photo inkjet greeting cards.  I pay monthly for my printer ink, and I had plenty of pages left, so I printed a whole lot of images for crafting.  This is what my desk looked on Monday:

Now I have cut all the edges off so they are ready to use. The cards were A6, A5 when opened out, but they were pre-creased so I had to avoid that area.   It took me quite a while to print them all because I also was working on some digitally.  These are some images I reduced in size and placed in a frame.

I made my daughter a birthday card which I have already given to her, because I was so happy with it, I couldn’t wait till November.

I added text and the smiley ghosts to this Gecko Galz challenge image.

My daughter finished a painting she had done and asked me if I would like it. I said I that was really pretty but…. There were two areas where she had used the correct colour according to the directions, but the colour didn’t look right, so she brought the paints over to me. I started that today.  Here is the before and after (so far):

It is such a pretty scene.  I just want to add a shadow under the bridge
and see if I can add a sparkle to the water.

Thursday 22 August 2024

A day on the laptop cont

 The second of my cards for Gecko Galz Christmas Challenge.

I was very happy with this.  It all came together beautifully. This is for the Gecko Galz Fantasy Challenge.

A day on the laptop

 After a huge tidy up and sort out I spent today working on my laptop and using up a stack of glossy A5 pre-creased photo cards.  

Amongst other things I was working on challenges for Gecko Galz.

This one is for the Gecko Galz Gothic Challenge. I saw the quote somewhere and remembered it for this card. Cute doesn't apply to Gothic very often, but I did think these wee ghosties were cute.

I made two versions of this one for the Gecko Galz Christmas Challenge. I will put the second one in the next post. A beautiful lady.

Wednesday 21 August 2024


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  

Now hold on to your hat, you are about to see my craft room as never seen before!  I can’t guarantee it will ever look like this againšŸ¤£.

Yesterday and today I did some digital crafting.  I have a supply of A5 glossy photo paper, so I have been using that for printing.

My Atc's for Gecko Galz challenge.

I like to look though old books at the Internet Archive site.  These are some ladies I found that I shall be using in collage.  I have Gigabytes of files, I keep saying no more, but it is so tempting.

Wednesday 14 August 2024


 Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  

I have absolutely nothing to show you today!  I guess I could show you my craft room which is almost ready to be seen, but the trouble with almost is it takes longer than you think!  

We have been home a week and I have alternated between craft room and bed every day.  I love tins, boxes, containers of all sorts.  Pretty boxes get kept, well because they are pretty! Same with tins. Cardboard boxes get kept because a particular size stops my books and files falling over, journal covers and all the other uses!   Every now and then, enough is enough!  The recycle paper sack is filled with Amazon  packaging and I have got rid of a few old plastic containers too.   My crafting stuff from the caravan hasn’t come in yet, so I am leaving some space for that!

Wednesday 7 August 2024


Welcome to Crafting With Jack and What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a day when we link up to Sarah's Craftshed and have a look to see what everyone has been doing.  

I made a journal for August.  I used a similar method to the July one, but I used bigger pieces.

So far I have only done two pages. The left side was for a challenge in the Fussy Cuts Freebies on FaceBook, where there was a list of elements you had to use.  The right side was for a challenge in my Scripture writing group. I drew and used colour pencils for the flowers. then wrote the verse over the top. 

We are homeward bound tomorrow and I hope to catch up with everyone later.  Angela x